Chris is a renowned leader in the field of diabetes, obesity 和 metabolism research, with a career spanning over three decades. He has more than 180 published manuscripts, 并在包括哈佛医学院和华盛顿大学在内的顶级机构担任行业和学术领导职务. Chris is also Professor Emeritus 在芝加哥大学任教, Department of Medicine.  

克里斯的研究之旅始于1984年,当时他获得了伦敦大学生物化学博士学位. 后不久, 他在哈佛医学院乔斯林糖尿病中心和剑桥大学担任博士后研究员,很快就成为糖尿病研究领域的先驱, 随后,他在美国和英国一些最受尊敬的机构获得学术任命和行业职位.

克里斯的糖尿病研究主要集中在胰岛素产生和分泌的分子机制上, 以及控制胰腺β细胞生长和死亡的信号转导途径与糖尿病的发病机制有关. His work has earned him numerous awards 和 honors, 以及来自青少年糖尿病研究基金会等知名组织的研究资金, American 糖尿病 Association 和 the National Institutes of Health. 他也是美国国立卫生内分泌研究所和CADO研究部的成员, 副主编 糖尿病, the journal of the American 糖尿病 Association, 他是多家同行评议期刊的审稿人,并经常担任客座教授和讲师.

In 2015, Christopher joined AstraZeneca 和 in his role as 首席科学家, is responsible for developing 和 growing the CVRM research base in the US 和 the UK, 以及为整个crvrm治疗领域的产品开发目标和愿景做出贡献. 他的研究继续集中在1型和2型糖尿病的分子发病机制, as well as the regulation of biosynthesis 和 production of polypeptide hormones; signal transduction mechanisms for insulin sensitivity; 和 novel pharmacological biologic targets for the treatment of metabolic diseases.

In May 2019, Chris’s was announced as the new Chair of AstraZeneca’s postdoctoral programme. 他丰富的经验, 与学术界的紧密联系以及对生物医学教育的热情意味着他拥有继续建立这个行业领先项目的理想背景.

AstraZeneca’s postdoc programme offers outst和ing training, 知识自由, high-impact publishing opportunities, 和, 最终, a springboard for a great scientific career. With a dedicated supervisor from one of AstraZeneca’s two R&D organisations (澳门第一赌城在线娱乐 or 肿瘤学), complemented by an academic mentor, postdocs work at the interface of academia 和 industry, 和 gain a unique combination of experience from both worlds.


I grew up in an artistic musical family, which instilled in me very early on the essence of creativity. Science requires original thinking 和 cultivating ideas, 和 using that creativity is fundamental to innovation 和 momentous discovery.

Christopher J. 罗兹博士 首席科学家, Research 和 Early Development, CVRM, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐R&D, 和 Chair of AstraZeneca’s postdoc programme


首席科学家, Research 和 Early Development, CVRM, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐R&D, 和 Chair of AstraZeneca’s postdoc programme


Announced as Chair of AstraZeneca’s Postdoc programme


While at the University of 剑桥, 克里斯是发现胰岛素原转化为胰岛素的酶活性的团队的重要成员


Helped to build a diabetes research institute in Seattle, WA


Built the research department 和 helped found the Kovler 糖尿病 Center, 在芝加哥大学任教


Named Professor Emeritus 在芝加哥大学任教


Juvenile 糖尿病 Foundation International Fellowship 和 Career Development 奖

Mary Jane Kugel Award, Juvenile 糖尿病 Foundation International Kroc Lecture in 糖尿病


The Kovler Family Professor, Endowed Chair of Medicine

Golden Key Award, University of Chicago

Chair, American 糖尿病 Association 65th 和 66th Scientific Sessions Meetings

椅子上,医学 & Scientific Research 通讯ittees, JDRF

Chair, American 糖尿病 Association Council for 摩尔ecular, Cellular & Biochemical Aspects of 糖尿病 (2005-2007)



新合成的胰岛素原/胰岛素和储存的胰岛素主要通过一个调节的, rather than a constitutive pathway.

罗兹CJ,哈尔班宾夕法尼亚州. J细胞生物学. 1987; 105:145-153.


Davidson HW, 罗兹CJ, Hutton JC. Nature 1988; 333:93-96.

Preferential Cleavage of des 31, 32胰岛素原, 胰岛素分泌颗粒ii型内多肽酶在完整胰岛素原上的作用:激素原加工的有利途径的含义. 

罗兹CJ,林肯B & Shoelson年代. J. 医学杂志. 化学. 1992; 267: 22719-22727.


Bollheimer LC, Skelly RH, Chester MC, McGarry JD & 罗兹CJ. J. 中国. 投资. 1998; 101: 1094-1101.

胰腺β细胞β颗粒上激酶重链的Ca2+依赖性去磷酸化. Implications for regulated beta-granule transport 和 insulin exocytosis. 

Donelan MJ, Morfini G, Julyan R et al. J 医学杂志 化学 2002; 277:24232-24242.

蛋白激酶B/Akt抑制脂肪酸诱导的胰腺β -细胞凋亡.

Wrede CE, Dickson LM, Lingohr MK, Briaud I, 罗兹CJ. J. 医学杂志. 化学. 2002; 277:49676-49684.

Type-2 diabetes – A matter of ß-cell life 和 death?

Type-2 diabetes – A matter of ß-cell life 和 death? 罗兹CJ. 科学2005,307:380-4.

胰岛素前原mRNA (ppIGE) 5'非翻译区中的顺式元件是胰岛素前原翻译的葡萄糖调节所必需的.

Wicksteed BL Uchizono Y, Alarcón C, McCuaig JF, Shalev A, 罗兹CJ. 细胞金属底座. 2007 5: 221-227.


Specific Regulation of IRS-2 Expression by Glucose in Rat Primary Pancreatic Islet ß-cells.

Lingohr MK, Briaud I, Dickson LM et al. 2006 J. 医学杂志. 化学. 281:15884-92


Marsh BJ, Alarcón C, Soden C et al.  摩尔. Endo. 2007 21: 2255-2269.


Tsunekawa S, Demozay D, Briaud I et al. 糖尿病2011,60:2883-2891.


Demozay D, Tsunekawa S, Shah R, 罗兹CJ. 糖尿病. 2011 60: 2892-2902.

A Direct Autocrine Action of Insulin on ß-Cells: Does it make Physiological Sense? 

罗兹CJ, White, MF, Leahy, J, Kahn SE. 2013 .中国糖尿病杂志(英文版).


Alarcón C, Bol和 B, Uchizono Y et al. 中国糖尿病杂志2016 (6):438-50.


Rosario W, Singh I, Wautlet A et al. 2016年糖尿病. 65(9):2711-23


Waise T, Rasti M, Duca F et al. 2019年Nat. 通讯. 10: 714


Bol和 B, Brown C Jr, Bol和 M et al. 2019年糖尿病. 68:131-140.


和 help us deliver life-changing medicines 
